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Ashgabat transformed to celebrate the anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence


The central streets and avenues of Ashgabat were decorated with thematic art objects in anticipation of the main celebrations on the occasion of the 32th anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence.

Dedicated to a significant date and important events in the life of the country, banners and stands with state symbols, national ornaments and patriotic slogans give the city a festive look.

A special impression is created by the technological structures of the original form, multimedia screens and illuminated inscriptions installed at the main administrative buildings.

At night, the glittering illumination of large letters, folded into the name of the holiday – Türkmenistanyñ Garaşsyzlygynyñ 32ýyllygy, cause admiration among residents and numerous guests who arrived in the Turkmen capital these days.

Festive slogans decorated city transport. Buses with the inscriptions – "Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlar", "Arkadagyñ ýoly – ak geljegiñ ýoly", "Döwlet adam üçindir!" and "Türkmenistanyń Garaşsyzlygynyń 32 ýyllygy" travel along the wide avenues of white marble Ashgabat.

Today, festive events, conferences and exhibitions are held throughout the country to mark the upcoming event.

By tradition, one of the main celebrations of Turkmenistan's Independence Day will be a military parade, preparations for which are now in full swing.