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Turkmenistan started the grain harvesting campaign


The country has started an important agricultural campaign - a grain-harvesting season. According to the schedule approved at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, held on May 31, grain-growers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats started the grain harvesting on June 7 and agriculturists of Balkan and Dashoguz regions will join them on June 14.

By a noble tradition, honoured elders gave their blessing to the grain harvesting in places, having prayed the Almighty for well-being and prosperity of our fatherland and all Turkmen people. Having cut the first wheatears with words «Çäjiňe bereket! » («Have a good harvest! »), aksakals gave way to combine operators.

One should point out that Turkmens - founders of one of the most ancient agricultural civilisations that are confirmed by numerous archaeological researches. Throughout millennia, based upon timed tested wide experience in land cultivation, they obtained a high yield of grains. For our people bread always has had a sacral value and a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

A regular increase in production volume of wheat with which the gold kharmans of our native land are supplemented, serves as a pledge of food independence and prosperity of our country and well-provided life of Turkmen nationals.

In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, they take proper measures to increase productivity of agricultural crops, to develop animal husbandries and to increase the total head of livestock and poultry. Reorganisation of the Ministry of Agriculture and creation of «Türkmengallaönümleri», «Türkmenobakhyzmat» state associations, food-processing industry, cattle-breeding and poultry-farming industry, "Türkmenpagta" State Concern are indicative in this respect.

With a view of successful solution of the goals designated in the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028 on cultivation of rich crops of wheat and cotton, economic incentives of work of manufacturers of agricultural production, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on increase of state purchase prices for ak bugday and «white gold».

This year Turkmen grain-growers will produce 1 million 400 thousand tons of grain, including in Akhal velayat - 400, Mary velayat - 345, Lebap velayat - 310, Dashoguz velayat - 265 and Balkan velayat - 80 thousand tons from 690 thousand hectares of land sown with winter wheat. Agricultural field were sown with high-yielding species of food wheat.

According to priorities of the agrarian policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, agricultural manufacturers in our country are provided with various state privileges, including those aimed at decrease in industrial expenses. All this is fixed by Laws of Turkmenistan «On state regulation of development of agriculture», «On grain growing», «On cotton growing» and other regulatory legal acts.

The head of the state pays much attention to issues of rational use of land and water resources. Due measures are taken to improve irrigation and land reclamation of farmlands, selection and seed growing in this connection.

Within the agrarian reform, concrete measures are adopted with a view of perfection of management and structural reorganisation of agriculture, formation of market relations in rural areas.

Large investments are made in modernisation of infrastructure of the sector, including in construction of modern processing enterprises, elevators and mill complexes with shops for preparation of perfect seed wheat, factories for manufacture of mineral fertilizers.

Thanks to large-scale transformations, efficiency of the agro-industrial complex grows and issues of engineering and technical support in the given sector, purchase of the latest modifications of machinery adapted to the soil-environmental conditions of Turkmenistan are solved on an innovative basis.

Combine harvesters, modern high-efficiency machinery, which, by operating round the clock will help farmers quickly and lost-free gather a rich yield of the crop, will be involved in the grain-harvesting season - 2024.

Hundreds of mobile repair and mechanical brigades will work during the harvesting season, proper conditions for work and recreation are ensured for all participants of the gran harvesting season, performance of workers of culture, and art as well as mobile sales points are arranged.

Means of transportation and laboratories where specialists of «Türkmenstandartlary» main public service will define the quality of incoming grain were prepared for the new agricultural season.

Exhibitions of agricultural production, bakery products, and modern agricultural machinery are organised on the occasion of the start of the grain harvesting season. Actors and folklore-choreographic ensembles of velayats prepared creative gifts for agriculturists.